Thursday, May 26, 2011

Getting to the End of Training

Oddly enough, the combination of no school and crazy weather has left my running a little bit lacking. Ever since graduation, when I shifted my long run out of its weekend spot, my running has been a bit inconsistent. I've had a few really great speed runs, and most of my other runs have been at a similar although slightly slower pace, but I haven't been super consistent with training like I should be.

And my first half is in 10 days.

So the semi-tapering is good, but I still have yet to run my final 10 miles, and that's a little troublesome.

The weather this past week has been quite uncooperative. It's either been super hot or rainy, two things that are difficult for me to work with.

Despite the rain today though, I'm going to get out there. Pound out at least 5 and see how it goes.

I'm blogging this so even though I eaten shot bloks for no reason (I was a little hungry), I have running clothes on, and a chia fresca on the counter ready to be drunk (? is this correct grammar?), I actually go run.

I know I need to run every day this weekend, and then take it easy next week. This is how the final ten days are going to go:

Thu May 26: 5 miles
Fri May 27: 10 miles or 3 miles depending on weather
Sat May 28: 10 miles or 3 miles depending on weather
Sun May 29: 5 mile run
Mon May 30: Stretch & Strengthen
Tues May 31: 4 mile run
Wed May 31: 3 mile run
Thurs June 1: 2 mile run
Fri June 2: Rest
Sat June 3: Rest

Okay there's my commitment.

Time to get out there and run.

1 comment:

  1. good luck with the race; sounds like you've prepared well, and this will pay off for you! :)
