Friday, February 11, 2011

I Love Breakfast

oh hello blog, nice to see you again.

I have a bit of time as I gather enough strength to stand in the shower for ten minutes.  I just got back from the great ass-kicking yoga session at the Lululemon Ann Arbor Showroom.

So now I'm just enjoying my barney smoothie and some applesauce.

What's a barney smoothie? So glad you asked!

This baby is just a combo of the following ingredients:

baby spinach, almond milk, blueberries

so green + purple = barney.
I always want to wear green and purple clothes together, but I'm always reminded that I will just look like barney.

so things have been busy. i think january is always a breeze and then february is just NEVER ENDING TO DO LIST. thankfully i have a bahamas cruise to look forward to at the end of the month ;)

for the past week, however, I have been making AWESOME breakfasts. lots of variety, lots of healthy delicious-ness. good stuff, all around.

I love breakfast - just like the adorable little girl in knocked up

but breakfast is one of those meals that can be hard to squeeze in. luckily everything i eat is easy. and i don't have class until 11:30 every day, so I'm allowed to have lazy mornings.

Regardless, here's what I've been eating.

trader joe's british muffins - whole wheat cinnamon raisin

trader joe's has probably had these forever, but i just discovered them last time i was there.
i LOVE cinnamon raisin english muffins, but am always bummed that there's not a whole wheat version.  boy was i wrong.  these are perfect toasted with a pat of earth balance spread.  also not sure who desraeli and gladstone are, but i kind of love them.

trader joe's oats&flax + org blueberries
This was the sample at trader joe's the other day.  I had already picked up the organic blueberries because organic fruits are so hard to find in the winter.  and then i tried the sample of the oats + blueberries and fell in love.  such a simple delicious breakfast.

trader joe's multigrain waffles + dark chocolate dreams
Multigrain waffles with dark chocolate dreams.  LOVE.  also delish with bananas, but i didn't have any on this day :(

Obviously, trader joe's rocks for breakfast foods.
And seriously, none of these take longer than 5 minutes to make.


  1. there must have been some crazy shipment of organic blueberries this past week because i got mine on sale for $1.67 at my regular grocery store! that is a crazy good price.

    i wish i had more time to make fun breakfasts on the weekdays. waking up at 5:30 a.m. doesn't allow for that :( i eat my bumpers and then bring food to eat at work. i COULD make overnight oats though, so i need to do that!

  2. mm breakfast! Totally going to buy some of those english muffins next time I go to Trader Joes!

  3. awesome! I'm always at a lack for what to make myself for breakfast but these are excellent ideas.

    Just wish I had a trader Joe's!
