Thursday, June 13, 2013

Chicago Marathon Training Plan

So I think it's about time to share the training plan. While I've been pretty freaking fantastic at sticking to it (knock on wood), this will make me even more accountable.

I started off this training cycle coming off half marathon training. It surely wasn't the best half training (didn't really do a ton of miles, got in the long runs, but that was about it), but it was a solid running base. I wanted to capitalize on that, so I continued to run pretty consistently post half marathon to keep up the fitness.

Miles Per Week: I wanted to build up to 35ish miles. And I ended up doing that. I'm happy with the weekly mileage in general.

Training Plan based on: I used a combination of this cool running training plan and hal higdon's novice II.

I adjusted it based on some chi races I wanted to run (zooma half marathon, and the big ten 10K), and the cross training that I enjoy most (spinning and yoga).

I just got my hands on the july runner's world though and may check out the marathon plan in there and adjust mine accordingly.

Runs per Week: When I was training for my first half, I ran 4-5 times a week and broke my foot. Since then I've kept it to 3 runs a week, not on consecutively days. That is changing with this training plan. I'm running both thursday and friday, with one of them being (theoretically) easier, followed by a rest day, and long run on sunday.

What are Yasso's?: Yasso 800's are a training technique created by Bart Yasso. You run 800M at the time you want to complete your marathon (so 4 hour marathon, 800M in 4 minutes flat. 3:35 BQ marathon? 800M in 3:35), followed by 800M easy pace. I tried doing this on the track in ann arbor in crazy heat. it didn't work so well. I haven't really done them subsequently. BUT I WILL DAMMIT. because this is how you run fast marathons.

the plan

I snagged Page's idea to put a link to the google doc of the plan on your phone homepage, so I always have it handy (although for the most part, I know what I'm supposed to be doing. I'm a pretty non-complicated runner.)

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